Things People with Good Credit Have in Common


Good credit is not a commodity to be bought or sold; it’s something which has to be cultivated with time. All it takes is the right strategies and financial moves to acquire a good credit rating and its associated perks.

Your credit score falls anywhere between 300 and 850. The higher your score, the lower risk you are in the eyes of credit reporting agencies and lenders. Similarly, the lower the score, the riskier you are. While a good credit score can be considered anything over 720, a low credit score is permanent and can be changed with some hard work and good tactics. What are these tactics? Here are some financial moves people with good credit consistently make:

Use Available Credit Sparingly

use credit sparingly

The amount of money you owe in relation to your credit limits helps determine your FICO score. This is known as ‘credit utilization’ and people with good credit don’t usually max it out. In fact, they keep their utilization limits rather low.

People with good credit make it a point to pay their bills on time every month. FICO credit scoring scale considers your payment history to be 35% in determining your score. Pay your bills on time before your due date to improve your score.

Stable Credit History

good credit sparingly

People with good credit have a long history of taking their debts seriously. They have proof of paying their bills in full and on time and are never on the lookout for how to make $5000 fast for some unexpected expense. Patience is key to build a positive credit history. The longer accounts are open and in good standing, the more positive weight they will hold on your credit.

A Mix of Credit


FICO considers your mix of company accounts, credit cards, mortgage loans and installment loans while determining your credit score. Those with various types of open credit like car loans, credit cards and mortgages have the best scores. So diversifying the type of credit you use proves helpful to you.

No Frequent Opening or Closing of Accounts


Frequently opening and closing accounts will cause your credit utilization ratio to change and almost always bring down your score. Every time you open a new account, your credit will automatically drop. The credit bureaus are unsure of how the new account will be used. After several months of on tie payments you will see your score bounce back.
Closing old accounts will also drop your score because your utilization and credit history are changing. Often times those old accounts in good standing are your super star accounts, giving you the best positive credit. You should only consider closing old accounts if your card has outrageous annual fees or interest rates.

Remember, you can’t get a good credit score overnight. No matter what your financial situation may be, you need time to prove your creditworthiness. Patience and good practice will increase your score on your journey to the 700 club.

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